ZOEOTROPE Beauty of Life

Interactive exhibition/2016/2018

Life on Earth is beautiful and diverse, motion is its fundamental feauture. everything moves, flows, grows, breaths, reproduces…


The “Beauty of Life” object works on the zoeotrope principle – a simple device which renders pictures, mimicking movement. The word zoeotrope originates in Greek, zoe, which means “life” and tropos, which stands for “turning”. Zoeotrope devices were popular in the 19th century, but eralier versions can be traced back to 5000 years ago. Our zoeotrope is a modern spatial version with rotating object, illuminated with a strobe light at rapid intervals. The stroboscopic effect makes each object come to life.


Zoetrope made with more than 340 paper models all handmade.

SEARCHING FOR BEAUTY (2016-2018) interactive exhibition & web project created for Parlamentarium, Brussels.

Organised by: Slovak Design Centre, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic





Authors of the Project: Ové Pictures

Project Curator: Mária Beňačková Rišková (Slovak Design Centre)

Production Coordinator: Zuzana Jankovičová

Copy, Text Editor, English Mutation: Katarína Kasalová

Graphic Design: Eva Kašáková, Martin Kahan

Web Design: Martin Kahan

Cooperation on Exhibition Installation:

electronics and interactivity: Ján Šicko, Roman Mackovič (DevKid)

Cooperation onExhibition Installation:

Exhibition furniture, constructions: Juraj Demovič

Programming: Altamira, Juraj Kapsz

Photography: Matej Hakár


2018: Searching for Beauty (interactive exhibition) in National Library of Estonia, Tallin
2018: Searching for Beauty (interactive exhibition) Gallery of Slovak institute Prague/Galeria Slovenskeho institutu, Praha
2017: Searching for Beauty (interactive exhibition) Designtransfer, Berlin, Germany
2017: Searching for Beauty (interactive exhibition) Slovak Instutute Prague, Czechia
2017: Searching for Beauty (interactive exhibition), MGLC, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2017 : Searching for Beauty (interactive exhibition), Galéria Satelit, Bratislava, Slovakia
2016: Searching for Beauty (interactive exhibition), Parlamentarium in Brussels, Belgium