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BOBO slovenská verzia
Príbeh o Bobovi, ktorý dobre nevidí, nosí “zlý” oklúzor, vymýšľa si neobyčajné veci a chce obyčajné okuliare.
A potom je to o tom, že je fajn, keď si pomáhame, že zlý zrak aj zlý brat sa môžu zlepšiť, že niekedy sa dejú zázraky a niekedy sa o ne musíme snažiť.
~ Bobo má poukáuzať aj na to, že kontrola zraku u detí je veľmi dôležitá. Najmä u škôlkarov. Pretože keď odhalíme problém so zrakom včas, vieme ho častokrát účinne liečiť. ~
Klient: Dúhovka, UVEA,
BOBO English version
A story about Bobo, who can’t see well, wears a “bad” occluder, makes up extraordinary things and long for ordinary glasses. And it’s also about things, like that it’s nice to help each other, that bad eyesight and a bad brother can get better, that sometimes miracles happen and sometimes we have to try for them.
Client: Eye clinic Uvea / UVEA mediklinik, Dúhovka – detské očné centrum
“Even Stone Flows” exhibition and collection’s leitmotif is the fluidity of being to which the name and visuality of the dioramas, the animated film and the drawings from the creative process refer. The title can be interpreted from several points of view — as a perspective of timeless energy, the constant movement of particles where matter’s strength and fluidity escape our immediate observation. However, it also refers to the relativity of established notions of the world. Stone — a symbol of strength and hardness — transforms into lava under the influence of temperature; it abandons its form and embarks on a journey, filling spaces and smoothing out what’s uneven. The reflections images by Ové Pictures symbolise accompany every human being’s coming of age are about understanding processes of life and sources of life energy, the instability of everyday reality, and the ambivalence of experiencing creation and relationships towards people and higher systems.
Moments from the story, in which Ové Pictures’ philosophical view of the world can be sensed by others, are helped by their original technique of paper dioramas. It allows the creation of scenes composed of various narratives compressed into a spatial object with a specific artistic expression. Dioramas are a well-known method of the illusory staging of space and story, presented in a museum or popular environment and often considered kitsch with cliché themes. In the work of Ové Pictures, the diorama format, considered an outdated and bizarre technology, gets another opportunity. Creating such an art object is always preceded by an innovative process in which the authors work with their own texts as stories or scenarios, create picture storyboards, select and create characters, and define the environments. The works from the collection Even Stone Flows are a free continuation of the previous cycle Storification (2019), in which the authors portrayed motifs from their personal experiences. In the current exhibition, the authors again present creative works in which they play out new stories. Still, they also relativise the phenomenon of the story and ask about today’s meaning and role of the story.
2022: Even stone flows (solo exhibition), At Home Gallery, Synagogue Šamorín, Slovakia
Artist: Ové Pictures
Curator: Mária Rišková
Paper cutouts: Ové Pictures, Mária Královič, Barbara Kowalczuková, Laura Morovská, Ester Mládenková
Performance at the Exhibition: Pjoni
Design and Implementation of Wooden Features: Peter Liška
Graphic Design: Pavlína Morháčová
Translation: Katarína Kasalová
The realisation of the works was supported by public sources in the form of a scholarship by the Slovak Arts Council.
This project was supported by a financial contribution by the LITA Fund.
Support and Cooperation: At Home Gallery; COLORPLAN; Special Papers; GF SMITH; Kult Minor, Plaftik, Kvant, Sharkam, Eallin.
“Even Stone Flows” exhibition and collection’s leitmotif is the fluidity of being to which the name and visuality of the dioramas, the animated film and the drawings from the creative process refer. The title can be interpreted from several points of view — as a perspective of timeless energy, the constant movement of particles where matter’s strength and fluidity escape our immediate observation. However, it also refers to the relativity of established notions of the world. Stone — a symbol of strength and hardness — transforms into lava under the influence of temperature; it abandons its form and embarks on a journey, filling spaces and smoothing out what’s uneven. The reflections images by Ové Pictures symbolise accompany every human being’s coming of age are about understanding processes of life and sources of life energy, the instability of everyday reality, and the ambivalence of experiencing creation and relationships towards people and higher systems.
Moments from the story, in which Ové Pictures’ philosophical view of the world can be sensed by others, are helped by their original technique of paper dioramas. It allows the creation of scenes composed of various narratives compressed into a spatial object with a specific artistic expression. Dioramas are a well-known method of the illusory staging of space and story, presented in a museum or popular environment and often considered kitsch with cliché themes. In the work of Ové Pictures, the diorama format, considered an outdated and bizarre technology, gets another opportunity. Creating such an art object is always preceded by an innovative process in which the authors work with their own texts as stories or scenarios, create picture storyboards, select and create characters, and define the environments. The works from the collection Even Stone Flows are a free continuation of the previous cycle Storification (2019), in which the authors portrayed motifs from their personal experiences. In the current exhibition, the authors again present creative works in which they play out new stories. Still, they also relativise the phenomenon of the story and ask about today’s meaning and role of the story.
2022: Even stone flows (solo exhibition), At Home Gallery, Synagogue Šamorín, Slovakia
Artist: Ové Pictures
Curator: Mária Rišková
Paper cutouts: Ové Pictures, Mária Královič, Barbara Kowalczuková, Laura Morovská, Ester Mládenková
Performance at the Exhibition: Pjoni
Design and Implementation of Wooden Features: Peter Liška
Graphic Design: Pavlína Morháčová
Translation: Katarína Kasalová
The realisation of the works was supported by public sources in the form of a scholarship by the Slovak Arts Council.
This project was supported by a financial contribution by the LITA Fund.
Support and Cooperation: At Home Gallery; COLORPLAN; Special Papers; GF SMITH; Kult Minor, Plaftik, Kvant, Sharkam, Eallin.
We have created this flags for the windows of Bratislava City Library.
STORIFICATION * Purge * Inverzia
We tell our story through paper dioramas build of vividly colored papers, magical characters, and clever use of technology. The motifs of paper dioramas in the ‘Storification’ exhibition reflect the 10 years-long co-creation of Ové Pictures. The exhibition curated by Mária Beňačková Rišková took place last at the ATELIER XIII in Bratislava 2–16 October, was not built as a retrospective, but rather a reflexive one. The motifs of the dioramas did not only showcase the past works of Ové, but were more of an invitation to the audience to seek both life, human, and universal stories.
“We all have our own story, and we mix up and jumble stories … It’s so natural to us that we don’t usually even talk or write about it. But in short, this is how it is: What we’ve actually done during the “x” number of years is making up stories and trying to tell them by using several other images, stories, myths, monsters, characters, references. It’s just the “fictional” what we put into the various stories to give them a sense or not.” — Ové Pictures
2020: Storification (solo exhibition), Atelier XIII, Bratislava, Slovakia
Artist: Ové Pictures
Curator: Mária Rišková
Paper cutouts: Ové Pictures, Barbara Kowalczuková
Pr: Michaela Kučová
STORIFICATION * Joy * Paradiso * Love * Stalaktits
We tell our story through paper dioramas build of vividly colored papers, magical characters, and clever use of technology. The motifs of paper dioramas in the ‘Storification’ exhibition reflect the 10 years-long co-creation of Ové Pictures. The exhibition curated by Mária Rišková took place last month, 2–16 October at the ATELIER XIII in Bratislava, was not built as a retrospective, but rather a reflexive one. The motifs of the dioramas did not only showcase the past works of Ové, but were more of an invitation to the audience to seek both life, human, and universal stories.
“We all have our own story, and we mix up and jumble stories … It’s so natural to us that we don’t usually even talk or write about it. But in short, this is how it is: What we’ve actually done during the “x” number of years is making up stories and trying to tell them by using several other images, stories, myths, monsters, characters, references. It’s just the “fictional” what we put into the various stories to give them a sense or not.” — Ové Pictures
2020: Storification (solo exhibition), Atelier XIII, Bratislava, Slovakia
Artist: Ové Pictures
Curator: Mária Rišková
Paper cutouts: Ové Pictures, Barbara Kowalczuková
Pr: Michaela Kučová
Dummy * Panák_FM
We have created this inflatable many-faced hero called Panák_FM (Dummy)
and hopefully soon you will meet him around the music festivals thanks to Rádio_FM.
Výtvarná rozcvička SNG
Educational animated videos on how to perceive and create art.
Výtvarná rozcvička (Art warm-up) – made for the Slovak National Gallery.
Hľa, človek!…/vytvarna-rozcvicka-hla-clovek
Mier a konflikt.…/vytvarna-rozcvicka-mier…
Prechádzka mestom.…/vytvarna-rozcvicka…
Original patterns created for a local fashion designer Nina Retzer.
The designs are freely inspired by the Slovak cult movies that we truly love:
Martin Šulík : NEHA (1991), VŠETKO ČO MÁM RÁD (1992)
Prinášame vám minikolekciu tričiek a mikín, ktorá vznikla v spolupráci s módnou návrhárkou Andreou Pojezdálovou. Lebo Ové tento rok oslavujú 10 rokov, čo je pekný dôvod na vytvorenie niečoho pekne špeciálneho!
Veríme, že aj to, čo si človek oblečie, môže mať príbeh, môže to byť úplne unikátne, originálne a vytvorené na Slovensku. Andrea vytvorila špeciálne one-size strihy, na ktorých sa bude usmievať jeden veľký rožok a jedno malé čierne vajce.
Rožok nech nám pripomína, že aj obyčajné veci sú vzácne a vajce nech nám pripomenie, že sme síce krehkí, ale živí a že to je ten pravý dôvod na radosť.
Tričká a mikiny ako obyčajné, ale vzácne veci, ktoré potešia a majú vydržať roky, nie len jedno leto. Veríme, že aj detské tričká, z ktorých trpaslíci rýchlo vyrastú,budú zase posunuté ďalším.
K minikolekcii vznikla aj limitovaná séria riso printov v spolupráci s grafickým štúdiom Hibernant a šperkárka Mia Čopíková vytvorila zlatý rožok prívesok.
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Collective project with Pavel Choma and Martin Kubina.
Animation as a part of site-specific installation of Slovak exhibition at Paris Livre, Paris.
HONDA E-ball
Short animated concept film for HONDA. Shown at the Tokyo Motor show 2019.
ZOEOTROPE Beauty of Life
Life on Earth is beautiful and diverse, motion is its fundamental feauture. everything moves, flows, grows, breaths, reproduces…
The “Beauty of Life” object works on the zoeotrope principle – a simple device which renders pictures, mimicking movement. The word zoeotrope originates in Greek, zoe, which means “life” and tropos, which stands for “turning”. Zoeotrope devices were popular in the 19th century, but eralier versions can be traced back to 5000 years ago. Our zoeotrope is a modern spatial version with rotating object, illuminated with a strobe light at rapid intervals. The stroboscopic effect makes each object come to life.
Zoetrope made with more than 340 paper models all handmade.
SEARCHING FOR BEAUTY (2016-2018) interactive exhibition & web project created for Parlamentarium, Brussels.
Organised by: Slovak Design Centre, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic
Searching for Beauty
Does beauty mean something different to each of us? Or do we feel in the same way? Can beauty be ugly? Has our view of beauty changed? Maybe every generation needs to redefine beauty; it might not be that way. We are curious about when we experience beauty, do we all feel it same or everybody their way? Let’s find out what beauty means for us now!
“In our project, we search for and find the feeling when all of our soul trembles with beauty. We’re examining the bright and fleeting moment when we feel the magnitude of light through and we’ve got the sensation we’re a part of it; we feel complete with beauty. We’ve got the impression there’s more beauty around us than it actually shows, and, also, that it’s overlooked and we need to point a finger at it. We are curious about when we experience beauty, do we all feel it same or everybody has their own way? The beauty of GIFs is also in the fact that you can watch a moment isolated in time forever – a piece of a giant puzzle that surrounds us. In the flood of information, videos, and pictures, we suddenly focus on a single detail — a few frames, a single blink of an owl, or a subtle smile of a forsaken hero. They are great in their imperfection; their compressed quality — we feel closer to them than to flawlessly processed shiny advertising images. GIF is an excellent format for capturing a piece of beauty.”
We understand the “new beauty” as a shift of aesthetic perception of the world around us. We move from the traditional admiration of natural, or historical and folk idealised country to understanding beauty in real environment where we exist in our everyday lives. In a way, beauty is also represented in urban stills of industrial form, routine situations, fragments of memories, or abstract images. The exhibited objects represent different views of understanding beauty and combine new and traditional ideas in a fascinating collection. We applied animation principles and created several interactive installations centred around the central motif of searching for beauty in new contexts. They use historical optical toys as zoetrope, flip book, and diorama and transform them into a more current interactive variation.
SEARCHING FOR BEAUTY (2016-2018) interactive exhibition & web project.
The project is a part of a cultural-social presentation of the first Slovak Presidency to the Council of the European Union under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
The main organiser is the Slovak Design Centre in Bratislava.
FLIPBOOK Beauty of Moment
Beauty hides in ungraspable fleeting moments too. Sometimes they are childhood memories, other times moments of pure joy, fulfilment, trip fragments or dream-come-true. It is a moment stuck in our mind. We keep it and would not trade it for anything else. It might even be something irrational, like a memory of a hotdog.
The “Beauty of Moment” object is based on the principlne of a flip book. A flip book is a paper picture book which, when pages are turned rapidly, simulates motion or animation. It creates a linear sequence of images. The first flip book appeared in 1868, and it has become a popular toy for children since then, but it is also the simplest demonstration of animated picture.
SEARCHING FOR BEAUTY (2016-2018) interactive exhibition & web project created for Parlamentarium, Brussels.
Organised by: Slovak Design Centre, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic
The t-shirts and dresses in this limited collection were created out of the pure desire to create fabulous pieces that will bring joy, that we too would love to wear and that, of course, will be distinctive and bold, but also funny and weird. We’re proud to have been able to cooperate with unique people who think it makes a difference to create something locally and of high quality. We didn’t want to just slap a print on T-shirts from China and wear them for a summer. No, we wanted to create something extraordinary that would last and bring joy to its owner for years and years to come.
So we turned to the ultra-talented fashion designer Andrea Pojezdalova, and asked her to create a special cut to accommodate our graphics. Merchyou helped us turn our graphic design into a fine textile print and the outcome is nothing short of splendiferous.
All of these pieces were created in Slovakia with love.
* Ostara is the Germanic goddess who brings us Spring every year and rouses everything that has been sleeping back to life. So, let more and more good things awaken and, yes, it does make a difference!
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Paper cut-out illustration based on the famous painting
by Ľudovít Fulla ~ Pieseň a práca (1934)
Residency at Galéria Ľudovíta Fullu
Tv campaign for Kaufland Slovakia called “My little garden”.
We created three short animated Tv spots.
Raffaello Valentine
Valentine campaign for Raffaello.
Tv campaign for DIRECT cz.
Illustrations for the collective Čierne diery
Malý zlatý útek (Mincovňa Kremnica) * Little Golden Escape (Mint Kremnica)
riso print 44 x 31 cm, Pur Coton Absinthe, 120 g/m²
release 26. 5. 2016, limited edition 30 pc.
Kúpalisko Eva v Piešťanoch * Swimmingpool EVA in Piestany
riso print 31 x 44 cm, Pur Cotton Smoke, 120 g/m²
release 11. 12. 2016, limited edition 30 pc.
Kolonádový most in Piestany * Bridge in Piestany
riso print 31 x 44 cm, Munken Lynx Rough, 170 g/m²
release 10. 12. 2018, limited edition 50 pc
Radio FM Award ceremony motion graphics.
Coca-Cola cz_sk summer campaign.
Educational TV series about good manners and a very special family called Chochmesovci.
We have developed all the characters design and illustration art for the whole series.
Visual concept & illustration & animated spot
for the festival “The week of Slovak Films”.
Fetiše Nežnej revolúcie * Fetishes of Velvet revolution
Opening titles for the Slovak documentary cycle about television fetishes.
Volkswagen commercial.
This is our most beloved project.
We begin to explore the beauty and the struggle of all kinds of embraces between the different kinds of creatures. With such a simple thing, like a hug between two characters, we found countless possibilities how to express all kinds of emotions and connections.
After that comes the concept of a traveling exhibition of giclée prints followed by a limited edition of T-shirts for sale with the theme of hugs. For every exhibition a number of drawings grows.
During the years 2014-2016 we have created animations for the documentary cycle
PRVÁ * FEMALE FIRST about first women in Slovak history.
Elfriede Jelinek PLAYS
Book cover design and illustration for Elfriede Jelinek book PLAYS.
A story of a timid boy and woodland girl who are both connected and separated by fear.
They develop a strong bond which becomes almighty in their fantasy world. But as friendship turns to love, fear arrives, and has an unexpected form. Overcoming fear and finding a common journey will not be easy. It will be difficult.
Genre: short drama
Animation technique: stop-motion animation Image
Format: full HD, 16:9
Sound format: 5+1
Language versions: Slovak, English subtitles
Target audience: youth and adult audience
Distribution media: DCP, digital formats
Footage: 17 minutes
Year of production: 2014
With the financial support of Slovak Audiovisual Fund.
© Ové Pictures s.r.o., Bfilm, s.r.o. 2014
Presskit SK
Presskit EN
Poster EN
Poster SK
Communication design for Film Seminar 4 Elements 2015.
Winter edition: NONSENSE
Summer edition: SENSES
Opening animation for the cycle of documentaries “Iné Ženy”. (Alternative Women)
Animated spot for the 5th International Animation Festival FEST ANČA.
Love Receivers
Love recievers.
Pattern designs for Buffet Clothing.
Dust and Glitter is a simple story about two people from different environments who live next to each other but never communicate directly. Magda, a young, naive girl, astonished by the glitter of the city, yearns for friendship with Chihuahua, a small dog that embodies the posh life. Trevor is an older homeless man who has spent many years on the street, but now must fight to defend his territory against Hyena. Although they do not know it, the lives and desires of Magda and Trevor overlap in something that mirrors and indirectly affects each other.
Film type: Animation
Resolution: Full HD
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Sound: Dolby SR
Language: no dialogues
Target audience: Adults and youth
Screening format: 35mm, DCP, BCT, DVD, MOV
Length: 11’15”
Year of production: 2011
With the financial support:
Slovak audiovisual fund
Vertex creation
Love Cures * CURAPROX
Curaprox Valentine’s edition commercial.
About Socks and Love
Short movie about love, but mostly about socks.
Graduation Project at VSMU, Bratislava.
Director, Animation, Art Design: Michaela Čopíková
Story: Michaela Čopíková, Katarína Uhrová
Music: Martin Hasák
Vocal: Dana Mazalová
Editor: Richard Chomo
Sound: Tobiáš Potočný
Voice: Kristína Farkašová
Production: Filip Křížek
Sound Mix: Robo Barčák
Supervisor: Prof. František Jurišič
Special thanks: Peter Budinský, Robo Volka, Patrik Pašš jr, Prof. Zuzana Gindl-Tatárová
With the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and LITA.
A story of Viliam, who lives his own animated life within the real world.
Childish fun turns into a problem, the problem becomes a solution.
No solution is perfect though…
Director: Veronika Obertová,
Academy of fine arts and design, Bratislava, Slovakia
Story: Peter Minár
Music: Martin Hasák
Sound: Miloš Hanzély, Film park
Edited by: Marek Šulík
Narrator: Boris Farkaš
Colour grading: Samuel Vičan, Vertexcreation
Supervisor: Ján Šicko, Julo Nagy
Animation: Veronika Obertová, Michaela Čopíková
Special thanks: Michal Struss, Vilo Csino, Daniel Rihák, Katarína Králiková, Petra Vavrová, Anna Šúšolová, Zuzana Bosáková, Jana Obertová, Dušan Obert