Exhibition, clothing collection/2012/2020

This is our most beloved project.
We begin to explore the beauty and the struggle of all kinds of embraces between the different kinds of creatures. With such a simple thing, like a hug between two characters, we found countless possibilities how to express all kinds of emotions and connections.

After that comes the concept of a traveling exhibition of giclée prints followed by a limited edition of T-shirts for sale with the theme of hugs. For every exhibition a number of drawings grows.


2020: HUGs animation (projection), Nuit Blanche, Christmas editions, Bratislava, Slovakia

2014: HUGs project (solo exhibition), Corretger 5, Barcelona, Spain
2013: HUGs project (solo exhibition), Pyecka Gallery, Kosice, Slovakia
2013: HUGs project (part of the Design Week), Plustova, Sofia, Bulgaria
2013: HUGs project (solo exhibition), Galerie Kytka, Prague, Czech republic
2013: HUGs project (solo exhibition), Waterloo-Ufer, Berlin, Germany
2012: HUGs project (solo exhibition), Poco de Ideas, Lisbon, Portugal